
Have you ever experienced crisis in in your personal or professional life or felt that you are completely stuck?
One year ago, I was at this place. From the outside my life looked kind of “perfect”. I moved to a new country, got my PhD, got a beautiful daughter, was doing postdoc at the university, have good colleagues…
Yet inside I felt completely empty, there were no more life left in me. I felt like I’ve been fighting every singe day from an early age, in order to get out of poverty and be free.
I’ve achieved my goals. But I had no life. I have collapsed. Completely.
At that time point I coincidentally met Tanya. During the first 2-4 weeks of our work, she rebooted my energy level, so I started to see “the light at the end of the tunnel”, and that there was a way out. Tanya was present for me 24/7.
Step by step we uncovered my true desires, we let go everything that didn’t serve me, and transformed all areas of my life. My growth journey has been truly rewarding. I found my freedom, I found my passion and started a new business, I re-connected on a deeper level with my daughter, and connected to many wonderful people, who got my back.
I would highly recommend Tanya Unkovich to all who experiences crises in their life or a difficult life transition, or to those who knows that there is more to life, but don’t quite see how to get there.
University of Bergen.

A letter from Hannah . . . .
Think of you all the time Tarn’s You’re an absolute legend/ star!
News I don’t mind sharing with you,
I’m now 44kgs lighter , I can never over state how much of a positive impact you have made in my life. I so admire what you’ve accomplished.

“One of the best choices I have ever made in terms of furthering my self development was to enlist the help of Tanya. There are not enough accolades I can heap onto this powerhouse of a woman.
I have spent thousands of dollars trying to get to the root of my emotional eating. Tanya is the most supportive, kind, loving person but at the same time she keeps you accountable, gently prodding you to make the changes necessary to impact the choices and decisions to better your life.
The point of difference with Tanya is her genuine and supportive nature and the face to face appointments were what really impacted me the most. Tanya delivered far more than was promised. She didn’t have to go the extra mile but she did.
While the work was about emotional eating, it’s about SO much more. I delved into the reasons why I sabotage myself and I was encouraged to make positive changes every day.
I have changed so much in the last few months and this is largely due to Tanya’s love, patience and encouragement. What a woman! I am honored to have worked with you, Tanya.
Toni, NSW, Australia

“Wow I have just turned 64 and I am in love with the most amazing man… I never in my wildest dreams thought this could actually happen.
I reached out to Tanya Unkovich some 10 plus years ago whilst living and working in Auckland, I was stressed with my job, was overweight, miserable, single and felt that I was unable to be myself.
I was looking for a bit of counselling, what I didn’t expect was the journey and the outcome I have now found.
I found myself, I learned to love and accept me for me.. I opened myself up to seeking love again (after 17 years of being alone), and the most amazing man has sailed (literally) into my life….
. . . this is better than any thing I have ever experienced and I am not letting it go!”
Lois, New Zealand

Tanya and I were introduced through the Tony a Robbins coaching program after I attended UPW in 2016.
Tanya is an outstanding communicator, both as a listener and provider. Her understanding of and focus on my needs was excellent.
Tanya is also truly compassionate and kind, as well as encouraging and appropriately demanding too. I would not hesitate to recommend Tanya as a results coach to anyone.
A consummate professional as well as a genuinely lovely human being.
Mark Fountaine
Sales Manager.

When Tanya says, ‘Make the worst day of your life into the best day of your life!’ these aren’t the words of a half-glass full woman; these come from a ‘spilling over the brim, grab life by the throat, I’m going to make the absolute most of everyday’ kind of person.”
Tanya has experienced much in life, including being widowed at 40. However, she made the decision to not let this event break her, but to make meaning of it, to create a new purpose and be an example to others.
“No problem is so bad that you can’t handle it”
Not surprisingly, Tanya is huge on resilience. “Resilience is to believe no problem is so bad you can’t handle it. It’s about having a positive outlook and believing in yourself and translating that into both your personal and professional life.” Tanya has done just that, and in spades.
After qualifying as a chartered accountant and operating her own business, Tanya completed a Diploma in Counselling then added life coaching to the mix. Consequently, Tanya has a pretty special set of skills that she applies to every aspect of her professional and, I suspect, personal life.
Tanya has worked in both corporate business and with hundreds of small business owners in the past 30 years.
“There is a saying, ‘be somebody who makes everybody feel like a somebody’. There is so much truth to live by in that statement, and knowing that I am that ‘somebody’, makes my life experiences worth it.”
Verve Magazine
Editorial Feature

I am utterly grateful to Tanya for the journey she led me through. During 12 weeks we worked with her, I transformed as a person in such a wonderful way.
Before meeting Tanya, I reached a point in my life when I lost contact with myself, with my intuition, with my body.
This feeling of not knowing who you are, what you want and what you need, and being insecure and unsure about everything, is draining. I felt desperate, powerless and lost. And I overate.
These 12 weeks led me to knowing. Today I know myself and I appreciate myself for who I am. I learned a new healthy way of relating to food, and developed some new impressive habits. I reconnected with my intuition, and it leads me to the decisions that are right for me.
I discovered how it is to live a life of awareness and to be happy here and now, no matter what. This is an amazing way of living!
The tools and tricks I learned from Tanya, will stay with me for life. They have become a part of me through this transformation process, and therefore this knowledge will not easily be forgotten.
I will be able to use it whenever I need. Thank you!
Nathalie, Norway.

“Be prepared for lightbulb moments, uncanny coincidences, and challenging questions in a very supportive and non-judgemental environment.
Tanya will take you out of your comfort zone; however, you will love her for it as this is where the real growth happens. Her value-for-money coaching has benefited me in many different areas of my life and will continue to do so as I further implement the strategies I’ve learned.”
David E. New Zealand

After confiding in a family member about some personal struggles I was having, he suggested I chat with Tanya to see if maybe she would be a good fit for what I was going through. This family member had worked with Tanya a while back for totally unrelated issues and found her to be extremely helpful and highly recommended her.
I was skeptical, but jumped right on it since I have so much respect for this family member. I chatted with Tanya the next day. Not only was she a good fit she was a perfect fit. Week after week working with Tanya, I could not believe that I was so blessed to have found her and her uncanny ability to somehow know exactly what I needed.
While doing the weekly program, I finally didn’t feel alone in my struggles or like it “must just be me”. She really understood, she got it!
Tanya came to me at a time in my life with great uncertainty among other things. I did the work and week after week and looked forward to our skype sessions. Her wisdom, kinds words, brutal honesty and exceptional ability to listen were something I came to rely on. Honesty, she is a Rock Star!
As our time together was nearing the end, I had some bad news that I was sort of expecting. If her and I had not been working together, I think I would have fell apart. Instead, I used the tools that I had learned from Tanya and drew strength from our conversations over several weeks and I did not fall apart!
Although, I am still a work in progress, I find myself almost daily thinking about and going back to what I learned in my time with Tanya. The only downside is, you will miss her when you are done even though she is only and email away!
Charleen, USA.

“Just wanted to say a big THANKS Tanya. I really feel like I have benefited from the working together. It’s different to other courses because the focus is on changing the mindset. Where the mind goes the stomach will follow!
The holistic approach certainly worked for me. I’ve released 6.5kg by just making different choices rather than diet per se and gained more clarity around my triggers. I’m going to stay on for the kick-ass coaching so I can stay focused.”
Brenda. New Zealand

When I came across the programme I had it altogether on the outside but life was tough on the inside. I had achieved many goals and even kept weight off for three years but it was all a struggle on the inside.
The weight was slowly but surely returning and the achievements once again seemed to slip away. This programme has taught me to be ‘me’ – the me that will no longer be held back by limiting beliefs – the me who was always there but just needed to be revealed and treasured.
Tanya is an amazing coach and always seems to know the right question to ask or area to focus/work on. This is all done with love, kindness, compassion and confidentiality. It is never too late to invest in yourself and your one precious life. I am pleased to have invested this time and committed myself to the programme.
I am excited about my life even though life around me still happens. You are worthy of this journey no matter your age or circumstances. There is a place that you are able to fill, something you are able to do which no one else can. Go for it!
~ Carol R, Hamilton.

I just want to thank Tanya for helping me get this far. I still have a long way to go but I know with Tanya`s help I will get there.
Tanya is amazing. She always puts her clients first. If I have a bad day or feel like giving up I email Tanya and she emails back and gets me on the right track again.
Before I met Tanya i would starve myself then eat too much and end up putting extra weight on. I met Tanya 5 months ago and have lost over 20kg.
But more than losing weight I have a different mindset. I use to be negative and always put myself down.
Tanya has helped me be more assertive and see good in myself. It’s all thanks to Tanya Unkovich.
Thank you so very much
Vicki Small.

My journey began in 2014 when I found Tanya’s information and decided that perhaps I needed to talk to someone.
Tanya just let me talk, however it soon became apparent that there was a lot more going on than merely a stressful job.
I needed to stop skipping across the surface of my life and actually understand who I was, where I had come from where I wanted to go and actually be me. The journey of deep transformational work has not been easy, has had its ups and downs and taken time, however I am truly amazed with the results of this work.
Working with Tanya has changed my world, I am who I always knew was inside me but assumed was not allowed to be.
I will be eternally grateful for Tanya, she has been my rock, my biggest supporter, and has challenged me every step of the way.
~ Lois P.

Dear Tanya,
I’m writing to tell you how much I enjoyed reading your book “Unplanned Journey”. I came across it at our Bible Book Store shortly after my husband was diagnosed with Leukemia(AML). We are in our early 40’s with 4 children ages 9 to 14. It’s been a tough battle for us. Jim was diagnosed in early Feb. and has not been responding well to treatment. We are believers and our hope is in the Lord….we know that Jim will be healed in heaven if not on earth, but walking the path is so hard. I appreciated you sharing your emotions..it gave me permission to let mine out as well and not be afraid to feel. It’s good to see how well you are doing! It gives me hope that things can look brighter for us again some day as well.
God Bless, Kyla

It’s a pleasure to listen to Tanya Unkovich speak. She is no stranger to adversity. She has experienced it, written about it and speaks about it passionately and with conviction. In her message Tanya shares the easy strategies she uses, and shares with her clients, on how to come back even stronger after adversity. It’s powerful stuff and I highly recommend Tanya.
Linda Wells
International Award Winning Author and Speaker

“Tanya Unkovich is extraordinary. If you want change in your life, she’s the one you want to see!”
~ Magic Talk Radio.

“In late 2007, after losing my father to cancer, we found out that my sister had an aggressive cancer that also took her life only 5 months later. 5 months— the same period of time Tanya travelled that path with her husband Phil. I cried unashamedly through the recounting of that journey. I really felt their love for each other and the strength of Tanya’s belief in God that helped her through. Thank you Tanya for sharing your struggles with your own grief and the recreation of yourself.”
~ Karen L.

“I found Tanya’s Unplanned Journey sensational, breathtaking, and out of this world. The separate journeys of her husband Phil, and herself were tear-evoking and very thought provoking.”
~ Greg M.