About Tanya
Speaking, corporate training, executive coaching and writing about how to overcome adversity, and master resilience, in every area of your life.

Welcome! I’m Tanya,
A specialist in overcoming adversity and mastering resilience, who’s dedicated to helping you rediscover purpose, (and yourself), when major challenges and loss have devastated your world.
Through my speaking, corporate training, books, coaching, and media appearances, I help people move through adversity, find meaning, and discover clarity and direction, after life has dealt them a tough hand.
Due to my own past experiences, I know how to delicately and strategically help you move forward with your life, no matter what you have faced, and even if there is a part of you that is too scared to try.
Bachelor of Commerce Auckland University, Diploma in Counselling (MIT), ICF – Member of the International Coaching Federation, Member NZ Institute of Chartered Accountants, NZ Certificate in Personal Training, Business Mentors NZ (Volunteer).

“It’s fair to say that I’m a pretty hard, old guy whose life experiences have made me emotionless and self contained. It was such a surprise then that as I listened and watched your story, to find myself in tears. I admit to being very confused at the dichotomy of emotions; complete and utter grief for your loss, mixed with admiration for the life, values and strengths you have today. Tanya, without a doubt you are one of the most courageous and inspiring individuals to come into my life.”
Like most people I meet, you might be wondering how this became
my life’s work.
The truth is, over the last 30 plus years, I’ve amassed vast experience, from finance to consultancy, to becoming Tony Robbins’ first Coach in New Zealand.
I’m a motivational speaker, published author, was the co-host of Hour of Power in New Zealand. I have been featured in numerous publications like Verve Magazine, NZ Business, have become a regular guest on Magic Talk Radio, Lite FM in Australia, and a weekly life coach contributor on New Zealand’s largest Christian Radio Network, Radio Rhema.
In spite of being on my own personal development journey since I was 16 years of age, it wasn’t until I saw my husband, Phil, take his last breath in my arms, that my life’s purpose became clear. I was now thrust in to an emotional rollercoaster I could never have imagined.
Now I help others, turn their pain around to a place of acceptance, strength, and a masterful fulfilling life of purpose.
Me? I have felt lost and broken...
….many times in my life, and completely overwhelmed. How was I supposed to live the rest of my life after this? How would I get through? I didn’t even want to think about it.
But deep down, I also knew that I had it in me to get through this hurdle in my life. I knew I had been through extraordinary adversity before, and I knew I could do it again. We all can.
This is what I continue to tell my clients. No matter what life has thrown at you, or what you are suffering with right now, you have it in you to overcome it, and find purpose again.
Within days of Phil’s passing, I was driven by a deep knowing to write his book, which became our story of adversity, resilience and hope. Publishing this book and then speaking about it gave me purpose and a reason WHY I had to keep going, and make meaning of this event.
This book, ‘Unplanned Journey: A Triumph In Life And Death,’ tells the story of how we coped during this time, and how I then navigated through the first year of a rollercoaster of emotions.
This time in my life was extremely difficult for me, however I eventually learned how to
Experience Joy, Meaning And Purpose In Life When It Seemed Like There Was None.
And now, I share....
the same tools to help thousands of people live again after they have been through major adversity. I show them how, no matter what you have been through, or are still going through, you CAN get through it, rise above the circumstances and once again live an extraordinary life.
Due to my own heart wrenching journey, (on all of the above!), I know how to truly help people and say, “I understand”.
I have also helped many widows, widowers, and people diagnosed with a life altering illness, or who are at the last stage of their lives, turn fear into dignity, and pain into peaceful fulfilment.
Why? Because I remember how hard it was to get through the day after Phil passed. I felt like an island, surrounded by a sea of grief that no one understood.
I felt heartbroken and alone, and back then, it wasn’t easy to find real, effective help. It felt like people just wanted me to ‘bounce back,’ and ‘move on’ when what they really meant was, ‘stop making me feel uncomfortable’.
But, grief is like a fingerprint. It’s different for all of us. Some of us get angry. Some of us cry until nothing’s left. Others go numb for years, drowning in their self harming habits.
However, I know from experience that with the right tools, life can be joyful and meaningful again; if you’re open to mending your heart and welcoming joy back into your life.
No matter what you are going through, never give up hope, and you can make this stage of life— be your greatest chapter.
That’s why, if you are stuck in your life and feel as though you have no direction, or you have just lost someone you love, then I want you to know that peace, excitement and hope are available to you right now.
MY PERSONAL STORY from grief to greatness
How to navigate what feels like never-ending pain, and discover there is life beyond grief.
you can laugh again.
you can be an
I know it feels impossible right now, but this isn’t insurmountable.
No matter how you’ve ended up on this page, I’m sorry you have need of this support, but I’m so glad you’re here.
Together, we can turn your life around…
and open the doors to a purpose-filled life filled with clarity, peace and hope.
To book a call please email me at tanya@tanyaunkovich.com